Integrating CAD/CAM using CATIA

  1. Engelke D. W., How to Integrate CAD/CAM Systems - Management and Technology, 1987, Marcel Dekker, Inc., USA.

  2. McMahon C. and Browne J., CAD CAM from Principle to Practice, 1993, Addison Wesley Publishers Ltd, UK.

  3. Singh N, Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing, 1996, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA.

  4. Scholz B., CIM Interfaces - Concepts, Standards and Problems of Interfaces in CIM, 1992, Chapman & Hall, UK.

  5. U. Rembold, B.O. Nnaji and A. Storr, Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Engineering, 1993, Addison Wesley Publishers Ltd, UK.



Table of Content | Acknowledgement | Abstract | Introduction | Literature Survey | CAD | CAM | Methodology | Results and Conclusion | References/Bibliography


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